Monday, January 24, 2011

Yarn + Ceramics = Pure Goodness

So I have been wondering for a while where pottery and knitting meet.  It’s a complex world we live in and everything – even hobbies – eventually intersect somewhere along an infinite timeline.  I was recently clicking around in ETSY and to my surprise found some amazing examples of ceramic goodness that any knitter would love to have: yarn bowls.

Here are a couple of good examples of yarn bowls that are not only functional but also beautiful to look at:


Yarn Bowl--TODAY show IN STOCK


Bellicosset Pottery

Yarn Bowl



Yarn Bowl Butterfly Garden large crochet or knitting yarn holder in pink aqua bronze - by Earth N Elements Pottery



Spring Green Yarn Bowl - Spiral with 2 holes

I seriously doubt I am going to be able to match any of these above… but I take this as a challenge for my skills at during my ceramics workshop on Wednesday. 

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

My New Little Find

I keep finding hidden perks of working in the city… this time it’s in the form of a cozy little yarn shop!

I just discovered a lovely little yarn shop right around the corner from my new employer.  Garnstuen is located on Østerbrogade 138, KBH Ø.  Their website is still under construction so the amount of information you can get about them there is limited, but if you are in Copenhagen, I can highly suggest you stop in and see what they have or get some advice from the owner who is extremely knowledgeable and helpful.

I’m back…

A lot has happened since my last post.  Well, my last post was March 2010, so a lot should have happened… Things happen, life gets complicated and you have less time for things like blogging.

One of the really cool things that I have gotten into in the past few months is pottery.  Apparently I have some sort of hidden talent for it.  You can see some of my initial projects here:

There is something about sticking your hands in a big lump of clay and coming up with something interesting and unique.  You don’t always know if it will work, but you can try just about anything.  It’s a lot like spinning in that respect.

I haven’t forgotten completely about knitting.  I have switched jobs so I am now taking the train to and from work each day which leaves me almost 2 hours of prime knitting time, so I have several projects going at once:

1. I am currently working on an adaption of Sys Fredens brilliant “Patentstrik” sweater which is featured on the front cover of her booklet Børnestrik. 

2. I am working on an Elvira dress for my daughter in size 10-12 years.  I bought it as a kit from Holst Garn some months ago and am still working on it.  I think I have it done to about her belly button so I think it’s just a matter of sitting down and getting it done at this point.

3. Nutkin Socks – The standard, classic sock recipe that I am working on in Hand Maiden’s Casbah

Lot’s to do…. 2 hours a day to do it in…. should make some progress. Tags: ,