A lot has happened since my last post. Well, my last post was March 2010, so a lot should have happened… Things happen, life gets complicated and you have less time for things like blogging.
One of the really cool things that I have gotten into in the past few months is pottery. Apparently I have some sort of hidden talent for it. You can see some of my initial projects here:
There is something about sticking your hands in a big lump of clay and coming up with something interesting and unique. You don’t always know if it will work, but you can try just about anything. It’s a lot like spinning in that respect.
I haven’t forgotten completely about knitting. I have switched jobs so I am now taking the train to and from work each day which leaves me almost 2 hours of prime knitting time, so I have several projects going at once:
1. I am currently working on an adaption of Sys Fredens brilliant “Patentstrik” sweater which is featured on the front cover of her booklet Børnestrik.
2. I am working on an Elvira dress for my daughter in size 10-12 years. I bought it as a kit from Holst Garn some months ago and am still working on it. I think I have it done to about her belly button so I think it’s just a matter of sitting down and getting it done at this point.
3. Nutkin Socks – The standard, classic sock recipe that I am working on in Hand Maiden’s Casbah
Lot’s to do…. 2 hours a day to do it in…. should make some progress.
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