I am afraid the peaches are getting the better of me and going bad before I can use them, but the valiant efforts continue.
Volume 2 – Mish Mash Mush
The second installment of this series will cover the splendid wonders of baby food. As you may know, I have two children – age 6 and now 8 months. In the 6 years of being a parent, I have bough jarred baby food 2 times – once while traveling and my oldest was screaming bloody murder due to hunger and couldn’t be calmed and then again recently when I had to spend a longer time than expected in my doctor’s waiting room and the wait spilled over into my son’s lunch time. Baby food at our house is always made on the spot. This isn’t because we are psycho about organic, hand made foods or anything. It’s simply because I think it’s ridiculous how much baby food costs and then you have to take into account that you have to go buy it, warm it and by that time I could have boiled and mashed a damn carrot myself. Ok, getting off my soap box.
So I have a lot of peaches now that need to be used. One think I do when I suddenly have a lot of fruit or veg is to make baby food and then freeze it down. The recipe is simple: Pit and blanche the peaches, peel of the skins and then liquefy them in a food processor. A smart trick for this is to use ice cube trays to store the baby food in while it freezes. You can then transfer the cubes over to a plastic bag or container for storage, but what kid wouldn’t find a heart or star in their morning porridge a fun surprise:
Volume 3 – Pork Chops!
I will bet you weren’t expecting to see pork chops in a posting about peaches, were you? Baby food and preserves is obvious, but what does swine got to do with it? A commonly unknown fact is that peaches and pork chops go really nicely together, especially when curry is added to the mix. Apples and pork are a classic combination and this tastes a bit like that, but with more flavor and a slightly creamier texture. Unfortunately, I forgot about this little blog project I have going on and forgot to take a picture our peaches and pork we had for dinner last night, but here is the recipe:
- 5 lean pork chops
- 6 large peaches, pitted and peeled (peeling optional)
- 2 small onions
- 1 tsp green or orange curry paste (I use tbls, but I like mine hot)
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 pork bullion cube
- a hand full of raisins
- 3 dl water
Peel, chop and sauté the onions. When they are translucent, add the peaches and stir so that the sugar in the peaches doesn’t burn. Add the pork chops and garlic. Mix the water with the billion until it is dissolved and mix it in when the pork chops are no longer pink. Add the raisins and allow the mixture to simmer for 10 minutes. Serve with rice our couscous