Friday, May 8, 2009

Birds and bugs

An update to my previous post -

I told my daughter about the drama around mamma bird and her three chicks after she came home yesterday and while I was outside checking one last time that a baby hadn’t survived, I found the 3rd chick laying under our lawnmower and he was perfectly safe.  Mother bird was going nuts and didn’t like that her baby was on the ground or that my clumsy self was standing over it, so I asked my daughter to stand back while I tried to put it back in the nest.  After being dive-bombed several times, I succeeded in getting the baby back in the nest and mother and baby were very happy to be reunited.  However, the surviving baby and mother bird were no where to be found, so I can only guess that the neighbor’s cat must have returned for an encore performance :-(


On a happier note: I have been bitten by a bug.  It doesn’t fly, sting or attack (outside of the occasional attack on your pocket book).  It’s the spinning bug.  I don’t have the space or cash to lay out the money required to by a whole spinning wheel so that I can suddenly try something new out, but I have found a couple of websites like HandSpinner and World of Wool that specialize in selling fibre and tools like drop spindles, like what I would like to try:

I am looking forward to trying and being able to create something that is as 100% “made by me” as possible.  I guess the only way it could get any more homemade is if I grew the wool myself ;o) Tags: ,,,

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